The EU:s Cultural Network-Iranians
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The EU:s Multicultural Network - Iranians شبکه فرهنگی ايرانيان اروپا |
دفاع از حقوق بشر ، آزادی و دمکراسی از اهداف «شبکه فرهنگی ايرانيان اروپا» است. |
ششمين پروژه ويژه جوانان Ungdomsprojekt 6,
سفر آموزشی جوانان به آمريکا Ungdoms studieresa till USA
By: Sara Salehi 17 år
During my trip to New York, Philadelphia, and Washington D.C., I learned a lot of new thing about the history of the United States. I made lots of new friends who came from Sweden which made the trip a lot more enjoyable. New York was the main place we stayed at, while I was there I walked around and took in everything I saw. New York City is a city like no other, especially at night. It’s so alive with all the lights and people walking in the streets. Philadelphia was the next spot that we went to. The first thing we did was we went to Valley Forge which was the camp site of the American Continental Army during the American Revolution War. After that we went and saw the Liberty Bell. Later on we decided that we would try what Philadelphia is known for, the Philly cheese steak. After that we had the option of either going an seeing a football game or going shopping. We agreed on going to the first half of the game and then going shopping but we got caught up in the football game so we didn’t go. Although the weather wasn’t so great , we made the best of our time. Once the football game was done we went back to our bus until our host families came. Shirine and I chose to pair up and we were one of the first to have our host parents pick us up. Zoha and Amir, our host parents, didn’t have anything planned so they asked us what we wanted to do and of course we asked to go shopping. They lived in New Jersey so we had to drive for about an hour or so, but thankfully the mall was right next to their house. After spending some time shopping we went to their home. Once we got to their house Shirine and I freshened up a little bit and then we went in the living room. Zoha cooked a delicious meal for us which included spaghetti. Afterwards we relaxed on their couch talked with them a little bit about ourselves and decided to watch a movie. During the movie Zoha brought us some pie, which I enjoyed very much. The next day Shirine and I got ready, had breakfast and headed back to the bus to go to the next place on the list. Zoha and Amir are such a nice couple, it was my first host experience and it was amazing. Once we got back to the bus everyone said their goodbyes to their host families and we got back on the road to go to the next location, Washington D.C.. After an amazing day in Philadelphia we went to Washington D.C.. The first place we went to was the Washington Monument. We were told that we could go wonder around but that we had to meet back at the Washington Monument. Some of the Swedish kids and I decided to go walk to the Lincoln Memorial. Once we got there we looked around and took some pictures. After looking around in the Lincoln Memorial we decided to go and look at the White House. It was a long walk, but we finally got there. The White House was as great as I thought it would be. I always saw it on T.V. but actually seeing it in person was a really moving experience, especially knowing that President Obama was living there was pretty exciting. After the amazing experiences in Philadelphia and Washington D.C., we went back to New York City. The next day we went to United Nations, which is a place I have wanted to go to ever since I moved to the U.S.. It was amazing, knowing that all of the World leaders have been there. The part I saw that made me very happy were the rugs that had the faces of U.N.’s past and present presidents. Unfortunately I had to leave early for my flight back to Minnesota but I would have done anything to stay a little longer so that I could see new places with some amazing people. It was a trip that I will never forget
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Ungdomarnas studieresa (1:a grupp) till "Europaparlamentet"; "European Commission" 15 - 17 maj 2007 گروه اول جوانان در پارلمان اروپا »»»
Iranska Kulturforskningens Center
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يوته بوری »»» ايران »»»
شبکه فرهنگي ايرانيان اتحاديه اروپا، ( EUCN)، نهادی است غير انتفاعی و متشكل از انجمن ها و كانونهای باورمند به دمکراسی، آزادی و منشور جهانی حقوق بشر ؛ كه در زمينه های فرهنگی، اجتماعی و حقوق بشر در كشورهای اتحاديه اروپا فعاليت دارند. اولين نشست EUCN در تابستان 2001 برگزار شد. و اساسنامه و اهداف آن پس از يک سال گفتگو و تبادل نظر ؛ در نشست عمومی تاريخ 29 تا 31 ژوئيه 2002 در يون شوپينگ - سوئد؛با شرکت نمايندگان تعداد زيادی از انجمن های ايرانی از کشورهای: آلمان؛ اطريش؛ ايتاليا؛ انگلستان؛ دانمارک؛ سوئد؛ نروژ ؛ هلند و ... ؛ بررسی و تصويب شده است. از جمله اهداف EUCN - شناخت و دستيابی به علايق و نقطه نظرهای مشترک ؛ تبادل تجربه، اطلاعات و دانش و گسترش همکاری بين انجمن های فعال در کشورهای اتحادیه اروپا و دفاع از حقوق بشر، آزادی و دمکراسی می باشد |
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